Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to develop a custom Winnona Website or Web App?

Pricing for our technology can vary widely depending on your design needs and feature set. Static websites (all of which are mobile-friendly and built with the Responsive Design approach) typically start in the $1,000 - $3,000 range. Progressive web apps on the other hand, which imply that they have additional functionality and features, can vary widely depending on what’s needed.

Whatever the case, our philosophy is to only deliver you with the best technology available at the most affordable rate possible. Our primary goal is develop technology that meets or surpasses both you and customers’ expectations, and we’re always willing to explore options to meet your goals and your budget.

We encourage most clients to start simple, and build out the content or other functionalities over time. Our personalized approach and fast response and delivery is what built our reputation, and what continues to satisfy our clients today. All Winnona Partners technology is solely developed in Atlanta, GA, USA.

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Helping Business Owners, Startups, and Entrepreneurs Thrive with Custom Software Solutions
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